See your project in a new depth!
Intel RealSense™ technology adds significant benefit to laser cutting and laser engraving endeavors by greatly enhancing crucial elements of functionality. The seamless integration of RealSense technology with common laser user operations creates exceptional accuracy in material alignment and focusing of the laser. Far beyond current camera capabilities,Intel RealSense™ greatly increases camera functionality and laser utility, saving time, money and effort for the operator.
Breaking the Mold
Traditionally, hobby laser cutters are designed to cut and/or engrave flat materials, such as quarter inch acrylic or wood. While this allows for countless endeavors with a laser cutter, it is still limited in terms of what is ultimately possible with laser cutting technology. By adding the element of depth, Intel RealSense™ technology opens up new, unheralded designs and product opportunities.

Save Time and Money
By utilizing Intel RealSense™ technology, laser operators can integrate 3-dimensional materials with uneven height to their arsenal of designs, greatly expanding their market opportunities and product offerings. In addition, because of Intel RealSense™ technology, highly accurate material alignment is achieved, saving in material costs by optimizing space for the design. Laser cutters that can detect and exploit materials with depth create added value to our clients, and thus, Intel RealSense™ technology adds great advantage to your market position.
A New View
By utilizing Intel RealSense™ technology, laser operators can integrate 3-dimensional materials with uneven height to their arsenal of designs, greatly expanding their market opportunities and product offerings. In addition, because of Intel RealSense™ technology, highly accurate material alignment is achieved, saving in material costs by optimizing space for the design. Laser cutters that can detect and exploit materials with depth create added value to our clients, and thus, Intel RealSense™ technology adds great advantage to your market position.
New Pro Series Laser Systems will feature the Intel RealSense™ Camera as well.
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